immigrant story


My experience with Racism

What do you see when you look at this picture? Be honest. Do you just see Black people? Africans? Foreigners? Non-Americans? Or do you see a family of proud immigrants, Black excellence; or Wakanda might possibly be a real place?  Well, in fairness, you may not know our story, and in light of all the civil and racial unrest going on around the world, it is probable that your perspective on race has changed.  This picture was taken in 2018…

How coming to America changed my family

If you look up the definition of "family" in most dictionaries it usually involves the words " parents" or "parent" plus "children". It is inferred that the parent raised the children or lives with the children to form a bond or unit or family. To be honest, the traditional definition of family does not always reflect society today. As you know, the family may not always involve people who share the same biology or genetics. Family may not always mean…