health blogger


International NASH Day

Did you know June 12th is International NASH Day? To be honest neither did I up until a few days ago. Apparently there is an organization set up to promote International NASH day to educate those of us who didn’t know of its existence and significance.  If you are non medical you may not know that NASH stands for Non-alcholic steatohepatitis. What is this you might be wondering?  Basically, it is a condition that happens after the progression of “fatty…

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Social media & bloggers

I started a YouTube channel a few years ago as a fun outlet away from medicine.  I didn’t post much on the channel and eventually deleted most of the content. It was not until summer 2016 that I began uploading videos consistently because I wanted to document an important part of my life: closing our medical practice after 10 years and moving out of our country house to live somewhere new. Like most people I was already on Facebook and…

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Tips and Treatment for Combating Insomnia

At some point we have all experienced some form of sleeplessness,  lying in bed, unable to fall asleep or having trouble staying asleep.  The last time this happened to me I was in bed contemplating  my day ahead and worrying about  traveling to a different location for work. I had gotten into bed at what I thought was a reasonable time. But there I lay intermittently looking at the time on my cell phone. Midnight became two, then four in…

Sex after a hysterectomy – Why is it different?

I  was recently sent a question from a reader who stated she had a hysterectomy last year but still thinks she has her ovaries and wondered why sex felt different and why “it is like no feelings when we have sex?” I thought this was a question that many women may have and not have the courage to ask their doctors so I am answering it here as a benefit to everybody. As I have stated in my previous blogs…