black doctor


Happy Fourth of July?

Dare I say Happy Fourth of July? As an immigrant to this country my perspective is complicated. Is it not possible to love this country and still hold it accountable? I love this country and have never regretted living here. I moved here from Nigeria when I was almost 16, over 30 years ago. There is no other place right now that I would rather be. Yet like many of you it hurts me to see all the injustice that…

My experience with Racism

What do you see when you look at this picture? Be honest. Do you just see Black people? Africans? Foreigners? Non-Americans? Or do you see a family of proud immigrants, Black excellence; or Wakanda might possibly be a real place?  Well, in fairness, you may not know our story, and in light of all the civil and racial unrest going on around the world, it is probable that your perspective on race has changed.  This picture was taken in 2018…