black blogger


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Tips and Treatment for Combating Insomnia

At some point we have all experienced some form of sleeplessness,  lying in bed, unable to fall asleep or having trouble staying asleep.  The last time this happened to me I was in bed contemplating  my day ahead and worrying about  traveling to a different location for work. I had gotten into bed at what I thought was a reasonable time. But there I lay intermittently looking at the time on my cell phone. Midnight became two, then four in…

Box Braids for a Queen

Box Braids are everything! With a few accessories you can go from ordinary to Glam Goddess! When I want a low maintenance, low manipulation protective style this is my go to. We all have busy lifestyles and don’t always want to be bothered with combing and styling our hair daily which can be even more challenging when you have natural type 4 hair.  Don’t get me wrong! I love my natural hair but sometimes it is nice to take a…

What makes Me Happy

I was recently scrolling through my Facebook page after someone commented on an old post I had written back in 2015. I must have been in a reflective mood but truth be told every thing I said then is what I still believe now. I thought I would share it here with you. As a young girl in Nigeria I remember thinking how perfect my life would be if I lived in the USA. It hasn’t been perfect but despite…


JAMAICAN CHICKEN SOUP the Best Cure for Everything!

Some days you just need a warm hug, a loving embrace or a meal that puts a smile on everyone’s face.  There is nothing like the aroma of all the herbs and vegetables, chicken & scotch bonnet bubbling in a large pot on a Saturday afternoon! The anticipation of a nutritious, delicious and filling meal that transports you to the beaches of the Caribbean or your grandmother’s kitchen. You & your family will love this recipe loaded with protein, vitamins…

Sex after a hysterectomy – Why is it different?

I  was recently sent a question from a reader who stated she had a hysterectomy last year but still thinks she has her ovaries and wondered why sex felt different and why “it is like no feelings when we have sex?” I thought this was a question that many women may have and not have the courage to ask their doctors so I am answering it here as a benefit to everybody. As I have stated in my previous blogs…


Different standards of beauty

Who is beautiful?  You? Me? As a child my mother was the most beautiful woman I had seen. Everyone always remarked at how beautiful she was. She was thin and graceful and enjoyed getting dressed up. On the weekends she would spend hours washing, rolling and drying her thick long black hair.  My father enjoyed showing her off and insisted she maintained a certain lean weight and small waist.  Nigerian kids at elementary school said my mother was white- “oyibo.”…

My Multicultural Life

The most common question I get from people who meet me for the first time is, “ Where are you from?” My first thought is to wonder if I should  give them the  abbreviated answer or the full version knowing full well either response will result in another question accompanied by a puzzled look. My usual answer is: I am from America.  It is usually followed by “what is your race?”  I am Black.  My long answer is I am…