

Why is my hair falling out, thinning or not growing?

  Let’s face it, most people desire thick, healthy hair as a sign of good health and youth. Over the years concerns about hair in my practice were very common and chances are at one time or another you have been worried about your hair too. As an individual who loves to express myself creatively, I change my hairstyles as a big part of my personality and as an expression of my culture. I totally understand your concerns. So here…


Depression during the Holidays

Depression is very common during the holidays, especially when you are feeling vulnerable. The holiday season brings greater stress with all the hustle and bustle of family get togethers, social gatherings, work deadlines, vacations to plan, and gifts to buy. For many additional stressors, such as unemployment, illness, divorce or death of a love one only compounds one’s sense of frustration and loneliness, increasing levels of anxiety and/or depression. The darker days and longer nights, resulting in less sunlight, can…